World of Books: how it works

World of Books is a bookcase in the Library of Amstelveen with childrens books from all over the world. Written in Turkish, Portuguese, Japanese, Armenian and many more!
Amstelveen has an international and cultural diverse population. As a library we promote reading to every citizen. Reading to your child in your mother language is fun and important for linguistic development. To facilitate this, we started a community based book collection in different languages: the World of Books.
Borrow childrens books in your language
Do you want more childrens books in your mothers language? Visit the World of Books in the Library of Amstelveen.
How it works:
- See a children’s book you like?
- Take it and enjoy! No registration needed.
- Return the book when you’re finished.
Contribute to the World of Books
Want to contribute by donating a children’s book of your own? Fantastic!
How it works:
- Take your book(s) to the World of Books.
- There are small cabinets with a language sign on it. See a house with your language? Leave your books in it.
- If your language is missing you can put the book in the cabinet with 'other languages'.
- We will put a World of Books sticker on it. Thank you, it's available for others to enjoy!
Please contact us if you want to donate more than 10 books.
Contact us
The World of Books is powered by our beloved visitors. Do you want to contribute more than 10 books? Or are you interested in hosting a storytelling event? Get in touch by filling in our contact form!